

Individual Exhibitions
• Digital Cities: Explorations of Matthew Watkins | Palazzo Gran Guardia | Verona 2014
• Uncontainable Art | Museum of Natural Science, Verona | March 2013
• Fingerpaintings | Aluminij Gallery | Mostar, Bosnia and Erzegovina | June 2011
• Fingerpaintings | Sala Murat, Bari | June 2011
l’Arte ai tempi dell’iPhone | C&C Consulting, Bari | September 2009

Selected Group Exhibitions
• Imaginarium | Collaborative multimedia art progect | Leeds, England | February 2016
• Under the bed |  Leeds, England | 2016
• Fairytale Lab | Leeds, England | 2015
• Biennale d’Arte contemporanea “Rocco Dicillo” | Winner, digital artTriggiano, Bari, Italy | July 2014
• Dancing with the Orange Dog | Manchester, England | 2013
• LA Mobile Arts Festiva l Los Angeles | 2012
 • Stylectrical  | MK&G Hamburg, Germany | 2011
• Future/Canvas2 San Francisco | 2011
• The Digital Canvas | San Francisco | 2011
• Future/Canvas San Francisco | 2010
• Illuminated Touch | New York | 2010
• A Healing Touch: “Digital Offerings of Peace to Women Survivors” |  Washington DC | 2010
• The World At Our Fingertips |  Algoma | 2010
• iPhone Wherefore Art Thou | Windsor Art Center, CT | 2010
• Pocket Art Fest2 | Winner Grand Prix pocket photography | Mostar | 2010
• iPhone therefore Art | Chicago Art Department  | 2010

• Contemporary Arts and Communication Academy | Simulation and Gamification for Education and Business | Beijing 2018
• Droidcon Italy | Confessions of a Digital Fingerpainter | Torino | 2016
• Fingerpainting | Sala Murat, Bari | June 2011
• Fingerpainting | MACRO Testacciot, Rome | June 2011
• Scala. Infinite variazione | Calcata, Italy | 2013
 • Internet Motors 3 | Rome | 2013
• Speaking and live performance | Automotive Dealer Day, Verona fair | 2012
• Internet Motors 2 | Principe di Savoia, Milano | 2012
• Internet Motors 1 | Principe di Savoia, Milano | 2012
• International Top Dealer Forum | Verona | 2011
• Keynote speaker IAMDA 1st Mobile Art Conference | NYU | 2010

• L’Arte Digitale di Matthew Watkins – Sivana Editori
• Pig English A Fingerpainted Love & Language Story (Kindle Edition)
• T is four Trouble.